Sunday, December 4, 2011


 Sophie finds her spot

 Madame Patate

 Taking turns hiding in the Christmas tree box

 Breakfast with Santa

New jamas by the Christmas Tree

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Catching up

 Happy Birthday Batman!
 Meadow's first day of school
Family Picture in Meadows class 
 Rex looking for Bandit
 Rex with all his loot
 Go, Habs, Go
Belle and Buzz

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fun Times at the Hotel

Meadow sleeping on the mini golf course at the Town House/Guest House in Grand Forks

 Swimming in the pool

 Movie and snacks before bed

 Lexi trying to be part of the giver group

 Relaxing by the pool

Rex and Lexi playing Toy Story

Thursday, May 5, 2011


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Bugs, Baseball, Bonfires and Babies

Rex searching for bugs under the big rocks

 Meadow's new jersey and hat from Baseball.  She hit the ball twice in one game! 

Meadow and Rex enjoying a relaxing bonfire.

After Easter Dinner, Meadow, Rex and Kenadie got to cuddle in Mémère's bed.