Friday, March 6, 2009


Two weeks ago, we went to St-Malo due to some unfavorable circumstances because my pépère Trudel passed away. It was very sad and difficult for me because I was very close to my grandparents. On the upside of things, I got to spend some time with family and if you know my Trudel family, no matter what the reason is that we're together...well it's a full on party! One particular person I was happy to meet was Pat and Breanne's little Hailey. She is exactly one month younger than Rex and size-wise you would never tell!

Rex and Hailey

Coffee Time!
Some of us mat-leave-moms get together about once a week for coffee and we send our "preschoolers off to play... away from the conversing moms but mostly from the babies. Then we take pictures of our precious little angels all "playing" so nicely together!

Well sometimes we have to intervene. Like when Lexi is scratching Isabella in the face or when Rex is giving Lexi kicks to the head!


Thanks Karen and Nips for the 9er's outfit!

So sleepy after a nice little walk.

An outfit John wore a baby...probably at 1 month rather than 5 months!

By The Way...

John got his tooth fixed!

Rex is eating out of a bottle now...
How do you think Little Miss Meadow (aka two teeth tina) feels about this...?

I'll give you one guess!


Oak said...

Love how pumped Meadow is about giving Rex his bottle! Too sweet!

Angela said...

My little Rexy is getting so strong!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are too funny! I love the one of Cohen and Meadow on the stairs. And the one of Rexy in John's outfit. Now that is stylish. I hope Nettie saved John's sweatsuits and brightly colored shirts too.