Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Corn and Apple Festival

We went to the Corn and Apple Festival in Morden with the Hildebrands. We made it there in time for the parade (longest one in Manitoba I'm told) and then we partook in the midway and food booths. Good times had by all!

Waiting for the parade to start.

Got some yogurt drinks.

Lexi and Rex

The Swinger

The Merry-go-Round

Of course they didn't sleep at the same time.

Airplane ride

Dragon Wagon - The first 2 rounds the girls didn't know whether they liked it or not. But the third time around they were pumped!

The Choo-Choo-Train

The Slide

1 comment:

Halle Brielle said...

Looks like they sure had fun. They both must be very brave. I probably wouldn't go on half of those rides!